Customization of the green corner

Customization of the green corner

On the 4th of April 2017 the board of Green School held session to discuss its options and decide, how the project will continue. After successful resolution of the water problem it wad decided that students of Grammar School J.B.Magina will continue in beautifying the area of school and various medicinal herbs will be planted.  
At 8 AM all students were set and ready in front of the school. Students divided themselves on various groups. First groups settled in green corner, which was already established in previous years and discussed options and activities, which they wanted to undertake this year. Second group took equipment and started to hoe clay and prepare suitable environment for new flowers, trees and herbs. Later, they were substituted by third group, which planted new seeds into prepared soil.
Everybody was working hard and their aim was to do something good for our nature and help our school to be greener than before. When everything was planted, small complications happened.
Our students were afraid when they thought about cars parked in area as a potential damage for their work. So a couple of courageous individuals jogged on a trip around Vrbové and together they carried stones, which surrounded the planted flora. Laid stone had not only the function of defending barrier, but also surprisingly beautifying effect.
After this exhausting work a couple of details were tweaked and the green garden of school is allowed to grow and beautify itself. Herbs, which will grow over time, are offering great means for production of natural soaps, teas and eventually are good means for students of biology in our school. On this day, students showed their working morale and determination. They proved that young generation is also dependant on nature and that they are capable to do something on their own initiative. We hope that their efforts will continue and they will even develop over time. We will see how they will surprise us later. 


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