
Vstupenky na ples gymnázia

Vstupenky na ples gymnázia

Prosíme záujemcov, ktorí majú objednané vstupenky na XIII. ples gymnázia,  a ešte si ich nevyzdvihli, aby vstupenky uhradili a prevzali na sekretariáte školy v priebehu tohto týždňa. Vzhľadom na veľký záujem o ples, budú po 30. januári 2017 nezaplatené vstupenky ponúknuté iným záujemcom. Ďa...

St. Nicolaus volleyball tournament for mixed teams

St. Nicolaus volleyball tournament for mixed teams

On 5th December 2016 The Hotel Academy Ľ. Wintera organized friendly volleyball tournament which attended six teams composed of girls and boys from district grammar schools. Our school team won this competition rated the 1st place of all participating teams. Congratulations! Results:   g...

St. Nicolaus volleyball tournament in Trenčín

St. Nicolaus volleyball tournament in Trenčín

University of Alexander Dubček in Trenčín organized friendly tournament on 11th  November 2016. Our mixed team of both girls and boys was rated the 4th place from the total 9 teams. Results group B Gymnasium J. B. Magina – SOŠ Pruské 2 – 0  25/15, 25/20 Gymnasium J. Baltazára...


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