
Badminton district school championship for grammar students

Badminton district school championship for grammar students

This championship took place on  26th January in the gym of Gymnasium Pierra de Coubertina in Piešťany. The competition was dividied into two categories. One for boys and one for girls. Our school teams were successful. Both girls and boys were rated the second places. Results   boy...

Table tennis district championship for grammar school boys

Table tennis district championship for grammar school boys

The competition intended for boys was held on 22th January in the gym of  V. elementary school in Piešťany. Our school team was quite successful. We ended up on the 3rd place. The total attendance was the six teams. Results: Gymnasium Jána Baltazára Magina – SOŠT Piešťany 3 – 4 point...

Nezabudnite podať prihlášku !

Nezabudnite podať prihlášku !

Pripomíname rodičom a zákonným zástupcom detí, aby nezabudli podať prihlášku na štúdium na strednej škole riaditeľovi ZŠ. Termín na podanie prihlášky na štvorročné štúdium na našom gymnáziu je do 10. apríla 2017. kliknite na obrázok pre zväčšenie Všetko o príjimacom konaní sa dozviete t...


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