
Achievements of our students in The County Olympics in Trnava

Achievements of our students in The County Olympics in Trnava

Our students succeeded in sporting activities at occasion of 10th County Olympics of Trnava county. They obtained several diplomas.

The school of the year – the longterm competition of grammar schools

The school of the year – the longterm competition of grammar schools

Our girls achieved the great score in the longterm competition of grammar schools in Piešťany district. The competition counted the total scores from the individual sporting activities in the school year 2015/2016. Our girls gained totally 81 points and won the second place of all the participating ...

District grammar school championship in cross-country run

District grammar school championship in cross-country run

Dňa 27. septembra 2016 sa v priestoroch piešťanskej Sĺňavy uskutočnili okresné majstrovstvá stredných škôl v cezpoľnom behu študentov a študentiek. Chlapcov čakalo 4200 metrov, dievčatá absolvovali 2800 metrov. The championship took place on 27th September 2016 in Sĺňava in Piešťany. The boys were ...


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