
St. Nicolaus volleyball tournament in Trenčín

St. Nicolaus volleyball tournament in Trenčín

University of Alexander Dubček in Trenčín organized friendly tournament on 11th  November 2016. Our mixed team of both girls and boys was rated the 4th place from the total 9 teams. Results group B Gymnasium J. B. Magina – SOŠ Pruské 2 – 0  25/15, 25/20 Gymnasium J. Baltazára...

5th encounter in school volleyball tournament

5th encounter in school volleyball tournament

On 19th December 2016 the classes from our school encountered in the 5th school volleyball tournament. The participation was 11 teams. The first place belonged to the class 3.BB. The students defeated their rivals from 3.BA who were rated the second place. group A Table 1. 4....

Spell and Tell 2017

Spell and Tell 2017

Viete hláskovať, máte radi slovné hry, anglické piesne a príbehy? Vytvorte trojčlenný tím, príďte sa zabaviť a vyhrať ! Dňa:  17.2.2017 o 8:30 hod. v aule Gymnázia J. B. Magina vo Vrbovom. Súťaž je určená pre  trojčlenné družstvá žiakov 7. – 8. ročníka ZŠ. Tešíme sa na Vašu účasť! ...


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