Školské aktivity

Christmas performances

Christmas performances

The year 2016 farewell and Christmas feasts of our school were held on 22th December 2016. Students of all grades prepared Christmas programme and performed various skits and songs to celebrate the greatest christian holidays of the year. The end of the programme belonged to the most successful stud...

Príprava vianočnej besiedky

Príprava vianočnej besiedky

Zajtra, 22.12.2016 sa v aule nášho gymnázia uskutoční rozlúčka s rokom 2016 pred nástupom na vianočné prázdniny. Pri tejto príležitosti študenti bilingválnej 1. BA triedy pod vedením Mgr. Dáši Fuljerovej pripravili program Vianočnej besiedky. Malá ukážka:

Visit of our capital city

Visit of our capital city

The classes 2.A and 3.A visited out capital city Bratislava on 6th December 2016. In Bratislava students visited Primaciálny Palác, Stará radnica with the exhibition „Barbarstvo mučenia“. There students were allowed to see the exposure of various torture isntruments. Students also visited The Slovak...

Raise of awareness of Mendel University in Brno

Raise of awareness of Mendel University in Brno

On 15th December 2016 the students of Mendel University in Brno visited our school to introduce this college to our students. They familiarized them with individual faculties and extracurricural activities that are provided by this college to its students.

Hero endures the strain till the end!

Hero endures the strain till the end!

In December 2016 our students visited Fontána cultural centre to watch the documentary „Sloboda pod nákladom“. This movie was filmed with the intention to draw attention of Slovak public to 60 year old men whose occupation is to carry the heavy bags to supply the High Tatras´ chalets with the necess...

Court verdict – the sentence to 4 or 5 years

Court verdict – the sentence to 4 or 5 years

As we can see, this year´s matriculation of the first grades students had the topic of jail and imprisonment. Matriculated students were supposed to wear the uniform of prisoners, but the orange or stripped t-shirt woulde be enough. The programme prepared the students of third grades. Here are some ...


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